Tough news from Seattle’s Populuxe Brewing. In a neighborhood that has seen unmatched brewery growth over the past ten years, one of Ballard’s beloved breweries is closing down. This is, by their own telling, tightly related to the hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The final day, December 23rd.

In the following statement, Populuxe Brewing mentions their attempts to secure assistance and their attempts to influence the political will of our leaders. Today I penned an opinion piece that addresses some of this.

Here is the sad announcement from Populuxe Brewing. They will be missed:

We have spent each day since the original shut down in March trying to figure out how to make the business work during Covid. We’ve pivoted from takeout to outdoor service to indoor service back to outdoor service all while trying to balance concerns for the health and safety of our staff and customers. We’ve advocated at a local and federal level for financial help for small business grabbing the ear of every lawmaker we could get reach. We asked our landlord to listen to reason and work with us to modify our rent so we could survive to no avail. We filled out every grant and loan application available to us.

But it was not enough and unfortunately, we have run out of options and time. This is devastating but we find hope in the wonderful support we have received from all of you through the years. Creating a community for beer lovers and their families in our own neighborhood was a dream and getting to serve all of you, a pleasure. As we look back over the last eight years, we smile about the family happy hours, trivia, charitable events, art openings, karaoke, live music and gatherings we shared together.

It is time for the next chapter, even if we weren’t prepared to say goodbye so soon. Populuxe will close its doors on 12/23 but space will house another craft beverage establishment in the not too distant future (look for an announcement in January) and we hope they will retain some of the flavor we brought to the neighborhood. We will have some great sales on beer and merchandise starting today. Stop in between now and the end of the year, grab a deal or two and tip your favorite bartender one last time.

With Gratitude for Your Years of Patronage,
Peter, Amy & the Crew