Great Notion introduces a game to the newest version of the app

A couple years ago, I introduced a new-to-me-at-least term to the beer lexicon: pokimonification. When I used it in regards to craft beer, some people wrongly assumed I meant it in a negative, derogatory way. I did not. It is a simple fact. For many modern craft beer enthusiasts, their passion for beer is, in part at least, app-driven. It’s not bad or good. It simply is.

Yes, it does kind of bum me out when I sit down at the bar next to someone who is more interested in interacting with UnTapped than the real human beings sitting around them. However, that person, nose down in their phone, is passionate about beer and is supporting the cause, so who’s complaining?

Great Notion, the brewery from Oregon that now has two taprooms in Seattle, fully embraces the modern, app-driven beer landscape. If you don’t know about it, you might not understand it. Via the Great Notion app, the company has turned beer drinking into a new kind of experience. Even oldsters like me recognize and admire this kind of innovation, acknowledging that since its inception in the 1980s craft beer has always been about innovation.

Today, I share the news that Great Notion has introduced a game to its app. Here is the word straight from the brewery.

Game On! Great Notion Launches First Video Game, Expanded Shipping and Delivery

Brewery Drops V3 of Its Lauded Mobile App

Great Notion (GN), the brewery known for fun characters, hazy, fruit-forward IPAs and “culinary-inspired” sours and stouts, is launching version three of its groundbreaking mobile app this week. GN continues to stay one-of-a-kind in the beer world by dropping a lumberjack-themed video game, expanded shipping and delivery zones, gifting options, and overall improved functionality and speed of the app.

Take a sneak peek at the Climb, the first of Great Notion’s interactive games on the app.

iOS users get a sneak peek at the Climb, the first of three major interactive features currently in the works. It brings to life GN character Victoria Lane and lets players virtually climb trees and earn points  as they progress. Accruing points in the Great Notion App allows users to advance in levels and receive exclusive perks and rewards. Android users can expect to see more on the games front in the coming months.

“At Great Notion, we strive to Keep Beer Fun! Whether it’s through crazy flavors like Fluff (a cotton candy-inspired beer), our space-forest themed beer boxes, or by dropping our very own video game!” exclaims co-founder and CEO Paul Reiter. “Too often, beer can get boring or nerdy. We want to engage not just those beer aficionados but regular folks who want to be inspired and have fun. Especially after 2020 – we all need it!”

The app update will expand Great Notion’s local delivery and nationwide shipping zones. Shipping in Oregon and Washington began earlier this year and is now expanded to include Ohio, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Vermont, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Virginia, Washington DC, Nevada, and Anchorage, Alaska. A new partnership with Doordash allows GN to expand the delivery zone to include Seattle, allowing for more flexibility with scheduled delivery windows, and no minimum order for customers. Through the partnership, Portland and Seattle beer fans within a ten mile radius of any of the five GN taproom locations will soon be able to order beer and have it delivered same-day.

Many GN beer fans will be pleased to now be permitted to assign a designated proxy for pick up when placing their order, an option that has previously been unavailable to customers. In addition to designated proxies, V3 of the app will also allow users to send beer as a gift to anyone of age within the designated shipping and delivery zones.